Frequently Asked Questions

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese healing energy technique that can help physical or emotional issues. The word Reiki translates into universal life force energy. The name Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) comes from the Japanese words “rei” meaning spirit and “ki” meaning energy, the energy of everything, which is usually translated as “universal life energy.” Reiki is not affiliated with any particular religion or religious practice. 


Why use Reiki for Animals?

Reiki is ideal for animals because it does not require hands-on contact, and it is gentle and non-invasive. Animals are very receptive to energy healing. Reiki is just as effective by distance as it is hands-on. It is not a substitute for veterinary care, but can be a great addition to treatments they are receiving.


How does a distance session work?

For a distance session, I will be in my home and after centering myself and meditating for a short time, I will send Reiki energy to your pet. I ask for a picture and basic information about your pet, as it makes it easier for me to focus on the pet. I will send energy for up to 30 minutes. It depends on the animal how long they want to receive it. When I sense that the pet have had as much as he/she wants, I will close the session.