About Sandy Stearns Gambone

Sandy believes in angels and she loves animals. She is especially fond of cats.

This is what Wings and Purrs is about.

Sandy Stearns Gambone is a Reiki Master and an Animal Reiki practitioner. She offers Reiki sessions to pets, mainly by distance.

Sandy has had 11 cats over the years. She adopted Calvin and Penelope as a bonded pair from the Humane Society of Southern Arizona in 2015, aged 2 and 4 1/2, respectively. They are the youngest cats Sandy has had since her first cat, Sophie, a rescued abandoned kitten, about 4 months old. The other cats in between were adopted at the age of 10 and up. So, she has experienced the cat aging process and the grief of losing pets. No matter how many or few years we have a pet, the unconditional love they show us makes their death hard to handle. Their loss can leave a hole in our heart and make our home seem empty and too quiet. They are not there to welcome us at the door when we come home. And since many times a pet is euthanized, we can feel guilt over whether we made the decision too soon or too late.

There are angels around us, to help us in our day-to-day life, as well as to help us become all that we can be. People and pets are in our life for a reason, to help us on our path through life. Some people think that our pets are angels that have come to help us on our life path.

Sandy is a certified Grief Recovery SpecialistĀ® and a certified From Heartbreak to HappinessĀ® Grief Coach. She has compassion and understanding for those who are missing a beloved pet and she can help you to move through the grieving process to find happiness once again.

Sandy had volunteered at the Metrowest Humane Society cat shelter when she lived in Massachusetts, helping to socialize the shy cats that had been feral. In the socialization program for these cats, Sandy offered Reiki treats to them to help them lose their fear of people. She is currently a volunteer with the Distance Healing Network, both for people and pets.