Bogey Loved Reiki

When my cat Bogey was getting old and his back legs getting stiff, he loved to come to me when I was sitting in my reading chair to ask me for Reiki. He would position himself with his back to me, and I would put my hands on his hips. He wouldn’t stay long, after maybe 5 minutes he would shift his position and just sit next to me on the chair.

The night that turned out to be his last, I sat on the floor with him for hours. He would come into my lap, leave after a bit, and return later. When he came into my lap, or let me pick him up, I gave him all the Reiki and love that I could, until he passed away in my arms. I like to think the Reiki helped him make a peaceful transition. It felt that way to me.

A few months later, when I received a Reiki Master attunement by distance, I was laying down on my bed. I felt Bogey come and lay next to my head, as he had when he was alive. I felt he wanted to help me advance in my Reiki practice.

I have given Reiki to several of my cats and other animals and they all seemed to enjoy it. They relax and close their eyes. Animals are very receptive to energy healing. They do not always want to be touched. Bogey came to me, and did want me to touch him. For cats that are not my pets, I start from a distance and send the intention that the animal has the choice of whether to accept the Reiki healing energy or not. Sometimes they keep a distance, or gradually come closer, and sometimes they come right up and want me to put my hands on them. They also decide how long a treatment they need. It may be a few minutes, or longer. I leave it up to them.

There is also Reiki by distance, which is what I have mostly done. For that, I sit and focus on the animal (I don’t always know what they look like), and send the energy to them. It works.

Check out my Services page for my Reiki for animals offerings.